The Chicago Harbor Safety Committee (CHSC) promotes safety, security and environmental stewardship on the waters of the Chicago River and Lake Michigan by fostering partnerships between the private sector and government agencies. The CHSC plays a pivotal role in representing the diverse users of the increasingly active Chicago Waterway.
Recreational Outreach Task Force
The Chicago Harbor Safety Committee is pleased to share the work product of the 2023 Recreational Outreach Task Force. The Recreational Task Force members were chosen based on their expertise, influence and dedication to improving marine safety. The primary recommendation of the task force was to promote training opportunities to the novice recreational boater. The task force work product can be found attached as opportunities for learning in the Chicago area. This list will be updated as training opportunities are developed.
Chicago Lock Safety Guide
The USACE has taken great steps in improving que area education and overall lock safety as a result of this partnership. The most effective byproduct is the “Chicago Harbor Lock Safety Guide” released in the Spring of 2022. This guide provides the optics and relevancy needed to assist the novice and experienced boat operator with the basics on locking through. The brochure clarifies the “Pecking order” of lock priority, the meaning of light signals, the need to keep the entry and exist clear. It also illustrates the important safety procedures designed to protect lock users and save lives.
Outflow Task Force
Chicago Harbor Safety Committe/USACE Outflow Mapping Project